What Is a Pre-Engagement Ring?

5 min read
updated 23 May 2024

Pre-engagement rings may have been a rarely known concept two decades ago, but the 2000s and 2010s have seen them become a prominent mainstay in the world of jewelry. Fundamentally, if an engagement ring is a promise to get married, then a pre-engagement ring is a promise to get engaged. If that seems like a step too removed, you wouldn’t be alone in thinking it, but these rings are becoming an increasingly popular choice for couples of all ages, and there are actually some sensible reasons why you might want to start things off with a pre-engagement ring.

Who Are Pre-Engagement Rings Popular With?

As is often the case with fashion trends, the popularity of pre-engagement rings can largely be traced back to celebrity adoption of the trend. Over the span of a few years, we saw Justin Bieber offer a pre-engagement ring to his then-girlfriend Selena Gomez, but these rings were also handed out by celebrities like the Jonas Brothers.

And while pre-engagement rings have been around since the 1970s, the unique circumstances of dating as a celebrity likely impacted their newfound popularity. In many cases, celebrity couples are too young to seriously be planning a wedding— whether it’s because they’re too young to legally marry or simply practical enough to know that marriage can wait. And with the constant rumor mill surrounding celebrities and their partners, it makes sense that a power couple that’s genuinely interested in one another would like a physical reminder of that devotion in the wake of an engineered media scandal.

But pre-engagement rings aren’t just popular with celebrities. A pre-engagement ring is simply a commitment between two couples, and that’s a notion that’s as older (or even older) than marriage itself. While some would argue that a pre-engagement ring is just a physical reminder that you’re dating (and they’d be justified for thinking so), a pre-engagement ring can mean many different things

Whether it’s intended to signify the decision for a couple to move in together, as a means for a teenage couple to express their love for one another without the implication of child marriage, or as a way to reassert the importance of a relationship that has to become long-distance, promise rings can be meaningful but also highly personal tokens of affection and commitment.

What Are Pre-Engagement Rings Made From?

The refreshing thing about pre-engagement rings is that they aren’t a codified institution, and that means that what procedures you should follow when designing a pre-engagement ring are very different from what you should traditionally look for in an actual engagement ring. And without those restrictions, you have a lot more leverage to find a ring that matches that special someone’s personality. The design and the format of the ring can even be used to reflect the specific circumstances of the pre-engagement promise.

That said, there are some popular trends in pre-engagement ring designs, and some of them are worth paying attention to. While traditional metals like gold, silver, and platinum are often used in pre-engagement ring bands, some suitors will make use of less conventional materials like glass, ceramic, or even bone. By and large, a pre-engagement ring is going to be less expensive than an engagement ring.

But that’s because finding an expensive ring is less important than finding the ring that tells the story of your love. For that reason, birthstones are often a common presence in pre-engagement rings. Many include the birthstones of both members of the relationship to signify the bonded love, and others have the initials or names of both engraved onto the surface of the band.

Pre-engagement rings don’t have to be a one-sided affair either. While heterosexual relationships typically see the man give an engagement ring to his female partner, it’s often the case that both partners in a relationship will give each other pre-engagement rings. And if you’re a woman waiting for your man to pop the question, a pre-engagement ring can be a great way to give him a hint that you want something more committed without having to make him feel pressured.

Are Pre-Engagement Rings Popular Outside America?

While pre-engagement rings have risen to prominence due largely to usage by American celebrities, that doesn’t mean that the United States is the only country where pre-engagement rings are popular. In fact, these types of rings are popular all over, and the form they take can vary to some degree from culture to culture.

In Brazil, pre-engagement rings have become a major part of courtship among younger citizens. Known as a commitment ring (locally as an “anel de compromisso”), these rings are commonly worn by both members of a couple. That said, it’s a relatively recent phenomenon, and the notion of a pre-engagement ring has both detractors and proponents, just the same as in America.

How Should Pre-Engagement Rings Be Worn?

There aren’t a lot of formal rules for pre-engagement rings, and that means that you and your partner can essentially choose how you want to wear them. Wearing matching pre-engagement rings on a cord around the neck is a common choice, especially for younger couples. Those who are more serious about their relationship and see the pre-engagement as a confident precursor to an actual engagement ring will often wear the ring on their left ring finger.

And when you actually receive your proper engagement ring, you can simply move the existing finger to match. When an official proposal has been made, and you place the engagement ring on your left ring finger, you’ll typically want to move your pre-engagement ring to your right ring finger.

Ultimately, a pre-engagement ring is about your relationship with that special someone, and whether or not you choose to wear one is entirely up to you. A thoughtful pre-engagement ring isn’t just a raincheck for a wedding in the unknown future. It’s a gift that helps you remind them exactly how much you understand them.





Omid Semino

Omid Semino

CEO of Diamond Mansion

Omid Semino combines 15 years of jewelry expertise with a rich family heritage in the field as the CEO of Diamond Mansion, a leader in bespoke jewelry. Omid blends deep gemological knowledge with strategic business insights, driving the company’s commitment to quality, ethical sourcing, and customer satisfaction. His direct customer interactions and extensive industry networking keep him attuned to the latest trends and innovations. As a respected figure, Omid shares his insights through writing and speaking, guiding individuals on making informed jewelry decisions. His leadership and passion for jewelry design have established Diamond Mansion as a trusted name for unique and finely crafted pieces.

Omid Semino combines 15 years of jewelry expertise with a rich family heritage in the field as the CEO of Diamond Mansion, a leader in bespoke jewelry. Omid blends deep gemological knowledge with strategic business insights, driving the company’s commitment to quality, ethical sourcing, and customer satisfaction. His direct customer interactions and extensive industry networking keep him attuned to the latest trends and innovations. As a respected figure, Omid shares his insights through writing and speaking, guiding individuals on making informed jewelry decisions. His leadership and passion for jewelry design have established Diamond Mansion as a trusted name for unique and finely crafted pieces.

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